Friday, December 17, 2010

The Cavalry is Coming

Jim flew to Denver from Houston last night after work. Adam fetched him from the airport there and brought him back to his apartment. This morning they jumped into Adam's Jeep and, after 12 or so hours on the road, are currently sleeping in Moline, Illinois. Well, Jim is probably sleeping, but I'm pretty sure that Adam is still awake. Tomorrow they will be arriving at the condo and I could not be more excited because I will be able to delegate some of my chores to them. For some reason, I really overextended myself this month, and I have been so incredibly busy that I have not even had a second to spare. After spending the week hustling around, I am going to be just as swamped this weekend. Tomorrow morning, Jacob and I are once again volunteering at our local food pantry for five hours. In the afternoon, I am going to prepare for Jacob's and Richie's birthday party - from ordering the food to decorating to baking a cake, not to mention finishing up some very important shopping. On Sunday, we will be feting the December birthday boys, then I have to pack for our mini Michigan ski trip. And that will require not only finding my suitcases, but locating all of our ski equipment as well. We are due to be schussing up north Monday through Wednesday. Then, it'll be back to the hustle of the holidays at home. Never a dull moment around here, anyway!

Here is the view out the condo window on Thanksgiving. This is what it looked like around here the last time Jim and Adam were in town.

This is the current view out the condo window. Much prettier now!

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