Wednesday, January 2, 2008


We arrived home Tuesday evening after enjoying our traditional New Year’s Day family lunch at my mom’s house. Once in the kitchen, I glanced down at the answering machine and noticed the message light was flashing. After checking the caller ID, I announced that Jim’s mom had phoned while we were out.

Mockingly, and in his best craggy, imitate-Grandma-voice, Adam murmured, “Hi Jim, this is Ma. I’m going to a casino and I’ll need some money.”

I pressed the play button on the machine, and my mother-in-law’s voice croaked, “Hi Jim, this is Ma.” Well, there you go. That was expected.

Then, she continued, “I’m going to a . . .” Pause.

In the seconds that followed, I tried to guess what would come next. Wedding? Dinner with friends? Dentist appointment?

“… casino.”

Whoa! Then, as if on cue, she continued, “and I’ll need some money.”

My mouth dropped open and I gazed at Adam. Did my mother-in-law really say that? Had Adam predicted the entire message verbatim? Either he is freakishly psychic or just incredibly intuitive!


Adam said...

I knew you would post about this.

LINDA said...

Aren't you clever!?