Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Up-to-Date Mother-in-Law News

My mother-in-law, Bev, has been driving around town ever since Debbie returned her car keys to her in March. On Sunday, Bev called my cell phone in a panic with the news that she had scratched her Buick while backing into a parking space at the Bingo Hall. Apparently, the car in the adjacent spot was, in her opinion, “too close to the lines,” and, gee, she did not realize that she was pulling in crooked, either. So, instead of straightening out, or compensating for the fact that the other vehicle was not exactly centered in the next space, Bev just rammed into it, scraping it up pretty badly. (Over $1,000 worth of damage, we learned yesterday.) Oddly enough, Bev admitted that there were only three or four other cars in the whole parking lot at the time, but she chose to squeeze in between two of them. Her previous accident, in January, was also in a Bingo Hall parking lot. A few months prior to that, she simply slammed into another vehicle while changing lanes as she drove down the street. She has had three accidents in the past 6 months, and, interestingly, she did not even have her keys for 6 weeks during that time period. So, three crashes in 4 ½ months of driving, average out to about one every 5 weeks. I don’t know what one’s accident percentage should be before one’s license gets revoked, but I will certainly steer clear of her banged-up Buick if I ever see it cruising down the road.

On the medical front, Bev is smoking, but offsets that by using her oxygen. Sometimes simultaneously. She told me that she went to a doctor appointment Monday for a test, but the receptionist informed her that she had already been in for the test last week. Bev didn’t remember. When I inquired about the nature of the test, she did not recall the name of it, or why she needed it. She has also been phoning me regularly with the same questions over and over again. And, when I spoke to her today, she thought it was July. It all gets a little old sometimes, but what can you do?


Anonymous said...

My unsolicited medical advice, all in the interest of prolonging Bev's life:

1. Take away the keys

2. Take away the smokes

3. If she continues to get ciggies somehow, take away the oxygen before she blows herself up!

LINDA said...

The entire situation would be under control if this were MY mother, but the in-laws choose to do things differently. Bev now has an "Oxygen Concentrator" in her home, which filters room air into pure oxygen without using a tank. When Bev had a lung biopsy 5 years ago, she said if she ended up with cancer, she would smoke herself to death rather than treat it. (She did not have cancer.) She is a very difficult woman to be around. And, I am being polite here.