Wednesday, February 6, 2008


A lot has happened since I started my WWND? diet and exercise program a month ago. Adam began his winter semester at school. We purchased a new car. Jacob learned to float. Irm turned 84. Bev entered the hospital. Jim traveled to Calgary. I endured a doctor appointment. Adam attended the Auto Show. Jacob attended the Auto Show. We bought a new furnace. Bev underwent surgery. Mandy turned six. I received stitches. Bev survived rehab. Jacob vomited. Julia lost her first tooth. Adam secured gainful employment. Bev returned home. Jacob and Richie visited the Henry Ford. Steve turned 33. Lost came back.

In between all of this, I somehow remembered to ride my exercise bike almost every day. In addition, I stopped eating most of the junk foods that I love so much. And I lost 8 pounds. I think I can keep it up, and maybe lose 12 additional pounds in the next few months. WWND?
Try it - it works!

1 comment:

Eric said...

Wow, congratulations. Eight pounds is impressive. Keeping up with a diet and exercise is really hard work. Maybe we should print up some WWND t-shirts.