Saturday, July 18, 2009

The Blue Angels

The U.S. Navy Blue Angels flight demonstration team is in town for an air show this weekend. The F-18s have been practicing their maneuvers over our house all week, and I have been loving every minute of it! Each time I hear one of the jets go screeching past I run outside to have a look. I have taken, or rather attempted to take, about 20 pictures of the speedy planes, but have not had much luck. They are simply too fast and disappear out of the frame before I can snap the photo. I do have a lot of lovely pictures of plain, old blue sky! Here are a few shots where I actually got a Blue Angel or two in the picture.

Here is one jet zipping over our neighbor's house.

Two F-18s in the bottom of the pic flying over our backyard.
I snapped this photo in the nick of time!

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