Monday, June 1, 2009

Patience is a Virtue

Adam's Vortex2 tornado chase has been experiencing some setbacks. Namely - good weather. Beautiful, dry, sunny days have been the norm this spring in the Great Plains, and the severe weather outbreaks have been far and few between. I'm sure that the scientists are becoming quite frustrated with the unusually tranquil conditions, and they are probably very annoyed with Mother Nature. The researchers spend their time driving and driving (over 5,000 miles so far), followed by hours of waiting and waiting. Adam has taken hundreds of pictures of some pretty awesome-looking storms, but no tornadoes have been spotted. The U of M group still remains upbeat, though, as is evident if you read their blog. I certainly hope that their patience pays off for them soon!

1 comment:

ModemMama said...

I've been watching the Weather Channel all the time now!