Monday, June 15, 2009

What's Up With This?

We came across this sign while we were traveling in Delaware. It was not exactly the most welcoming "Rest Area" we encountered during our trip! We didn't stop there because, obviously, it was not permitted. We are certainly curious to know what Elsie Walker did to deserve her own official "Rest Area," and, at the same time, we are puzzled as to why she does not allow anyone to visit there. Interesting.


Anonymous said...

Sign FAIL!!!

Anonymous said...

I reckon it is probably Elsie Walker the Bush (as in W) cousin who is a human rights advocate for Tibet and Burma. As to the rest of the sign, I'll leave that to you.

Anonymous said...

One used to be able to park at the Elsie Walker rest area in Hockessin. There were some picnic tables there back in the 1980's. I believe they had problems with loitering and nuisance behavior, so the site was closed.

Anonymous said...


Elsie Walker (1912-1970) was president of the Hockessin Community Club, a local civic organization.