Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Bev fell down at the assisted living place on Sunday and cut & bruised her face pretty badly. Since she has fallen so frequently lately, and has been even more confused than usual, the nurse yesterday recommended that she go to the hospital. Jim and I brought her to the ER in the early afternoon and she was admitted in the evening. There is not too much more that doctors can do for her Alzheimer's and end-stage emphysema (besides her current myriad of meds), but everyone agrees that she does need to gain some strength in her legs and arms. Bev is being released from the hospital this evening and is being transferred to a rehabilitation facility where she will have daily physical therapy. Only time will tell how she will acclimate to rehab, but it is the same place where she spent some time last summer.

Bev's tablemates at the assisted living residence were excited to tell Jim and I that she was caught lighting up a cigarette in the dining room on Sunday, and got into a heap of trouble! The ladies enjoyed the hubbub, and will miss Bev's hijinks while she is away.

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