Saturday, January 10, 2009

Birthday Party

Today was my mother’s 85th birthday, and we had a rip-roaring party over at Nancy’s house. Well, as rip-roaring a party as a senior citizen can handle. Family and friends showed up despite the blustery snowstorm that was raging outside. (I think our total snowfall today was 8 inches or more?) We ate lunch, had cake & ice cream, gave Irma her gifts, and played Eric’s new interactive Wheel of Fortune game. The kids, along with Steve and Charlie, romped outside in the snow, and built a huge igloo, which I would have pictures of had I remembered to bring my camera. Most importantly, Irm had a wonderful time and was still raving about the party when we dropped her off at her house in the evening. Hopefully we’ll all be as spry as she is when we are in our mid-80s!

Note: I am a bit bewildered why the font of the above post is in a larger type size than usual. I am not able to change it, so enjoy the senior sized type tonight!

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