Friday, April 8, 2011


Back in November, I became aghast at how much I weighed and decided to do something about it. The week before Thanksgiving I started riding my exercise bike for 30 minutes a day, at least six days a week. The bike sits in front of our upstairs tv and, although I usually find any sort of exercise incredibly mundane, I eagerly hop on and pedal away while watching something on the tube. I was pumped and motivated when I lost 10 pounds before Christmas and was certain that if I continued my routine, I would easily drop another 10 in the next six weeks or so. January came and went and my weight stayed the same. Jacob and I went to Texas in February and the weather was so nice that I was able to walk or bike outside every day. At the end of February I had not lost any more weight. March. Still not a pound. A week into April. I am very frustrated. Jim - always full of diet and exercise advice for me - tells me that I have to "take it up a notch." I guess I'll start riding for 45 minutes a day to see what happens. But, UGH! Working out is so much more exciting when you actually see results.

Side note: Even though I have failed miserably with my weight loss efforts since December, my blood pressure and cholesterol numbers have both dropped dramatically in the past four months. A bonus benefit of regular exercise, I suppose.

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