Monday, February 14, 2011

Warming Up

After a nasty stretch of sub-zero temperatures in Michigan, the weather has finally warmed up. It has been nice to feel 30 and 40 degrees again! So nice, in fact, that many people who venture outside don't bother to wear jackets around here. I even saw some folks in shorts yesterday and today. Our snow is melting, but the grass is still covered and we are still up to our ears in huge snowbanks. We are supposed to get rain later this week, though, and it will make me sad to see the rest of the snow disappear. I'm sure, though, that more wintery weather will return, as March is typically cold and often snowy in this neck of the woods.

Houston seems to be over its freezing conditions, at least for now. They reached a balmy high of 75 degrees today. I am heading there next week, so I'm sure the temperatures will probably take another dip while I'm in town. I am anxious to assess the damage that was done to my plants and trees during their atypical cold snap this winter. If only the weather would stay average, I would be most appreciative. It is the wild extremes that I can do without.

P.S. Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day! The fact that Jim and I were 1,300 miles apart did not really affect us because we normally do not celebrate Valentine's Day or Sweetest Day. True romantics!

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