Friday, June 4, 2010

Welcome to the Neighborhood

For reasons unknown to me, birds have frequently flown right into the large windows and sliding doors of our house. Usually the critters are initially dazed, then recover and flit away. I have even blogged about this in the past. (See HERE) Recently, there has been an upsurge of birds vs. glass, with the birds being on the losing end of the battle more often than not. Just the other day, I heard a loud thump and glanced outside just in time to see a feathered friend bounce off the doorwall onto our deck. Later that evening, Jacob and I were at our new condo when an unmistakable thud-type noise caught our attention. We couldn't believe what we saw when we went to investigate the sound. The kamikaze birds have actually followed us to our new home.

The latest casualty at our house.

Another victim at our new condo.


ModemMama said...

And they attack me on the bike!

LINDA said...

Crazy stuff. What's going on?

Alf Hitchcook said...

You might check Jake's cologne...

LINDA said...

Yikes, he better stop wearing eau de birdseed.