Saturday, February 6, 2010

Winter's Wrath - The South

The weather in Houston today was the warmest it has been since Jacob and I pulled into town last Saturday. We went outside in t-shirts and flip-flops, and were able to get some work done in the yard this afternoon as well. Unfortunately, the week of below-freezing temperatures in early January really wreaked havoc with the tropical foliage in Texas. It is very distressing to drive around and see all of the dead palm trees and ferns and yucca plants and figs. (Not to mention banana trees . . .) Nurseries and landscaping companies in the area are going to make a fortune in the coming weeks and months as people begin to replace their ruined shrubs and trees. Everyone has informed us that this has been the harshest winter in Houston in decades and it is not typical at all to have more than one hard freeze per year, much less seven . Sadly, the previously lush look of the city has taken on a rather brownish hue.

These brown palm trees belong to the folks next door. They used to be a green and flourishing addition to the neighborhood.

Jacob lounged in front of our deceased tropical bush. I thought I would spare everyone another photo of my wilted banana tree. But look, at least one tree in the neighborhood (behind our fence) survived the frost!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trees remind me of the Adams Family :)