Friday, November 21, 2008

Rockettes Rock

Jim, Jacob, Nancy, Richie, and I went to Joe Louis Arena tonight to see the “Radio City Christmas Spectacular.” I assumed weeks ago that most of the people at Jim’s office (Jim included) would deem this show “lame,” so I figured it was probably a good bet that their suite would be empty and available. I brilliantly finagled Jim into asking if there were any unused tickets for any of the six Rockettes performances at JLA, and, naturally, there were. Lots. Nancy, Richie, and I had planned to see the “Spectacular” anyway, so getting the free seats in the suite was a bonus for us. Jim, who prior to the show had absolutely no interest in it whatsoever, assumed that he would just go along and watch television inside the suite during the entire performance. Jacob, equally skeptical about liking it, also accompanied us somewhat reluctantly. Afterwards, both Jim and Jacob admitted that it was “pretty good,” and Jacob actually thanked me rather profusely for encouraging him to attend. And, while Jim claims that he really did like it, I think that he was probably just being a good sport and, given another opportunity to see the Rockettes, he would most likely pass. I, on the other hand, love the synchronization of those dancers and could watch them all day long.

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