Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Christmas Day is winding down here, but the partying will go on for another week. We had a great time last night and today, with lots of food, fun, and frolic with the extended family. We made several trips to visit Bev at the hospital in between our travels to and fro. She is set to be released in the morning, and tomorrow cannot come soon enough for her. Santa brought a new X-Box360 for Jacob and the Rockband game for Adam. We have had a blast being rock stars - we all fight over who gets to be the singer in the band.

Our busy week continues tomorrow with a bowling outing to celebrate Jacob's birthday. Saturday is his actual birthday, then there will be a huge New Year's Eve party at Wayne's house on Wednesday. The fun just goes on and on. By the way, Santa did not bring me a new computer, but I do intend to scan the after-Christmas ads in hopes of finding some sort of hot deal. Eventually, Adam will tire of me hogging his laptop.

Well, I am off to sing with the band! Merry Christmas, everyone!

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