Sunday, August 22, 2010

Go West Young Man

Ten days ago, Adam hopped into his loaded-down Jeep and headed west on I-80. He had much to do prior to the start of his grad school year in Colorado. Besides the normal college orientation & registration stuff, he also had to get a Colorado driver's license, buy Colorado insurance & plates for his vehicle, sign the lease at his apartment, switch his address at the bank, arrange for his utilities, etc. He has been busy from the minute he stepped foot in his new hometown.

Five days ago, Jim, Jacob, and I hopped into our loaded-down (mostly with Adam's stuff) CRV and traced Adam's western trek. We met up with him in Colorado and have been shopping and helping him move into his new apartment ever since. His unit is very nice, but a bit disheveled at the moment. I like the fact, though, that now it is Adam's turn to declutter and organize his belongings. I have certainly had enough moving and unpacking to last me for a while!

Adam left from the condo on the 12th.

Here is Adam sitting in his new, barren research office in Colorado.

A room with a view - this is looking west from Adam's office window. See our CRV in the parking lot!

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