Monday, November 9, 2009

The Movers are Coming

Our inspection and appraisals last week were fairly painless. The inspector found a few things that needed fixing, but he advised us to wait until we hear back from our relocation counselor before starting any home improvements. Naturally, we will only repair what is required! One of our appraisers was extremely friendly and chatty, but the other one was all business. Jim's relocating colleagues have received fairly low appraisals - some to the tune of $40,000 lower than anticipated - so we are a bit apprehensive of what ours will yield. We should find out our magic number in a week or two.

Jim's company has also hired a moving firm to haul our stuff to Houston. They have been nagging us for months to allow them to do an inventory of our household goods. I explained to them back in August, September, and again in October, that some of our furniture, etc. will be staying in Michigan and we had not yet decided what will stay and what will go. (Reminds me of a song . . .) We have finally determined what we want in Texas, so I contacted the movers this afternoon. They are sending over a "surveyor" on Thursday morning to record, itemize, and tabulate the bulk and weight of our belongings. I have spent the past hour writing "Do Not Move" on bright neon post-it notes and sticking them on the pieces of furniture that will be going to our condo here instead of heading to Texas. Can't wait to hear how much the movers will be charging Jim's company for their services.

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