Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Summer Blast

On Saturday, Nancy, Norm, Richie, and I attended our elementary/junior high/high school reunion. Jim and Jacob came, too. The "Summer Blast" has taken place annually for the past five years or so, but this is the first time that any of us have made it. Over time, the affair has developed into a big, casual picnic held in a nearby park. It is open to all attendees of any of our schools. Or nearby schools. And the immediate and extended family members of any school attendees. And friends. In other words, the organizers pretty much don’t care who the heck comes to this reunion. The whole event was um, interesting, in that I only knew about ten people outside of our little group. I did get to visit with my 1st grade and 4th grade teachers, who remembered me – or so they said. I think Norm found more people that he knew than the rest of us did. All in all, it was a fun day; as the weather was beautiful, we had food & drinks, and we actually did end up chatting with some long-lost acquaintances. Next year, though, we vow to bring our brother, Wayne, his wife & in-laws, and some more school friends that we still see regularly. Then it will really be a blast.

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