Monday, April 2, 2012

Back to Normal

I ventured back to the doctor's office recently to see how my hypothyroidism was doing. It had been seven weeks since I first started taking generic Synthroid in order to lower my extremely high thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level. I donated a vile of blood, then waited patiently while my numbers were evaluated. Much to my surprise, my TSH had returned to normal. The doctor recommended that I remain on my current dose of medication and have my blood rechecked in three months to make sure that I stay in the correct range. Strangely, I feel pretty much the same as I did when my TSH was super-high. After reading tons of information about under-active thyroids, however, I have discovered some minor symptoms that I could actually attribute to the disease. I suppose I can be thankful that I never felt the awful fatigue and some of the other nasty things that are so often associated with hypothyroidism. I just hope that the meds keep my thyroid regulated and that I again test normally when the end of June rolls around.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job with the meds Linda!