The leaps and bounds that technology has made in the past two decades never cease to amaze me. I was excited to get my first microwave oven in the late 80s. When I bought a computer in the early 90s, it was awesome. I was thrilled when I finally owned a cell phone in the late 90s - it felt just plain crazy to be able to make a call from anywhere I chose. When the internet came along, I was smitten. In love. How did I ever manage without it? This past summer I finally got a data plan for my cell phone. Internet on my phone? It doesn't get much better than that!
Now I Skype, too. I find it astounding to be able to chat with and see someone on my computer when they are actually very far away. Jake and I have had Skype accounts for a year or so. We initially set them up to talk to Jim while he is in Texas and we are in Michigan. We all see each other so frequently, though, that we haven't really used it for that purpose. When we do Skype, it is usually with Adam from his Colorado apartment. Since Adam took off to Diego Garcia last month, we have Skyped with him twice. It still seems miraculous to me that we are able to talk to, and see, Adam live when he is 10,000 miles from here.
Now I Skype, too. I find it astounding to be able to chat with and see someone on my computer when they are actually very far away. Jake and I have had Skype accounts for a year or so. We initially set them up to talk to Jim while he is in Texas and we are in Michigan. We all see each other so frequently, though, that we haven't really used it for that purpose. When we do Skype, it is usually with Adam from his Colorado apartment. Since Adam took off to Diego Garcia last month, we have Skyped with him twice. It still seems miraculous to me that we are able to talk to, and see, Adam live when he is 10,000 miles from here.
I took pictures of Adam while I was chatting with him on my little - and apparently very dirty - netbook the other night. Adam picked up his laptop and walked over to the beach near his DG office so I could check things out.
My screen doesn't do justice to the beauty of Adam's beach and lagoon. Notice the Navy ships anchored off in the distance.
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