Monday, August 15, 2011

Birthday Weekend

Jim celebrated his birthday on Friday. He had to work - and he said it was a very busy day at the office - but we did manage to get out to dinner in the evening. On Saturday, we were signed up for a boat tour of the Houston Shipping Channel. The 90-minute cruise was quite interesting. It was not overly informative, but was fun nevertheless. Since the whole area is government-owned and secure, we weren't allowed to take any pictures. On Sunday, we had some of Jim's work friends and their families over to the house. One guy is into brewing homemade beer and he brought along numerous samples, which we all enjoyed. The merriment will continue next weekend in Michigan when we have a party for all of the family members with August birthdays.

Jim received some yummy homemade beer as a gift.

Jake and I surprised Jim with some nifty presents.

The pool is as clear as it has ever been. The water temperature hovers between 88 and 93 degrees.

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