Sunday, October 31, 2010

Dum-Dum Dismay and a Happy Halloween

I purchased some Dum-Dums yesterday to throw in with the candy bars that we were giving out to trick-or-treaters here in Houston. I decided to sort through the lollipops and keep all the cherry and strawberry ones for myself. I was shocked to discover that out of a package of 150, there were no cherry suckers and only one strawberry one. The bag consisted of numerous stupid flavors like "Cotton Candy," "Banana Split," and the ever-abundant "Mystery." Since when did cherry become obsolete? I am beyond disappointed in the Dum-Dum company.

Jean and Jenna came over this afternoon for a BBQ. The weather today was, without a doubt, the best I have ever experienced on Halloween. Jacob went trick-or-treating with only shorts and a t-shirt under his banana costume and Jenna wore a summery, sleeveless cha-cha dress with flip-flops. It was so different from our Halloweens in Michigan where the kids usually needed to wear coats over their costumes to fend off near-freezing temperatures. Candy hand-outs in our Houston neighborhood were fairly similar to those up north, with the exception of the huge individually-wrapped dill pickles that Jake and Jen came home with. I've seen some odd things given out to trick-or-treaters before, but never pickles!

Align CenterShortly after I took this picture, Richie walked through the room and
accidentally kicked the rows of suckers awry.

We carved our pumpkins poolside this year.

Jacob in his banana costume.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jake sure has a-peel!