Tuesday, June 22, 2010

On the Go

The past week has been another busy one. Jacob and I woke up last Monday to find a work crew ripping up the sidewalk at the end of our driveway. I was aware that the township planned to replace some cement squares in our neighborhood, but I never received any notification of when the job would begin. It was only through some dumb luck that I happened to hear the ruckus out front and was able to move our cars out of the garage before they became blocked in for the week. The paving crew was sloppy & careless, and on top of leaving a big mess, they also broke two of our buried sprinkler lines. They are allegedly fixing those this week.

On Saturday, we had family and friends over to the house to watch our community's annual fireworks. In addition, we were finally able to celebrate Adam's graduation. Everyone had a fun time, and I will miss being within walking distance of our township park when we eventually sell the house and move into our condo. We have been spoiled having such a prime fireworks-viewing location all these years.

We woke up early Sunday and frantically cleaned the leftover party debris just in time for a morning house showing. Jim, Jacob, and I then took off for Texas, arriving on Monday - in plenty of time for an evening swim. The Houston weather is hot, but our pool is a balmy, yet refreshing, 92 degrees.

Our missing sidewalk.

We had a cake for Adam

Julia attempted to keep her sparkler away from her clothes.

These crop dusting planes entertained us with their wild swoops and turns as we cruised through Arkansas yesterday.

I wonder how large this banana tree will get?


Anonymous said...

It looks like banana TREES or a banana forest!

LINDA said...

Very true. There are definitely many stalks coming out of the ground. Maybe next year we will try to move some of them to different parts of the yard.