Friday, May 14, 2010

A Virus and a Storm

Today my netbook computer caught a virus. While it is being fixed, Jacob is graciously allowing me to use his "new" laptop, which he recently inherited from Adam. Speaking of Adam, he sent a text that he saw two tornadoes and a funnel cloud while out chasing with Vortex 2 this afternoon. The Weather Channel has been quite lax with their V2 coverage this year. They did not have any reports about these twisters on television because Mike Bettes and his Weather Channel colleagues had stopped for lunch and missed the storms. Adam said that his group gave TWC some of their own footage that will air tomorrow.

Adam and the other U of M students are again writing a blog about their adventures. I have put a link to it on my left sidebar under "Sites I Like." Once on the blog, you have to scroll down a bit in order to find Adam's last update, as the five Michigan participants are taking turns composing the summaries. I think Adam is due to ink another one any day now.

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