Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Plight of Education

While on the road last week, we made a pit stop at a gas station in Arkansas. As I waited for Jacob to finish up in the restroom, I perused a bulletin board that was on a nearby wall. There were notices about upcoming events, flyers advertising local businesses, and numerous postings from people searching for jobs. One in particular caught my attention. Out of the twelve words printed on it, four of them were misspelled. It made me shake my head, astonished that someone seeking work would not bother to double check their ad for accuracy. Instead of ridiculing the writer, though, I just felt sad knowing that this individual must have somehow slipped through the cracks in school. Discouraging.

Hope he or she finds a job.


ModemMama said...

Well at least Chuck's looking for another job.

LINDA said...

You are so funny!