Thursday, July 23, 2009

I Hate Rabbits

Our neighborhood rabbits are on the warpath again this summer. They have eaten approximately 100 of my lovely quartz blue verbena annuals. The flowers were growing in the bed right next to our front porch, and had recently started to fill out and bloom beautifully. One day they were gorgeous. The next day they were gone. Oddly, the evil creatures ate only the purple-y blue blossoms off the top of the verbenas, leaving the rest of the foliage untouched. Instead of using my old standby rabbit repellents of cayenne pepper, baby powder, beer, or mothballs, I went all out this time. I purchased some pricey rabbit-be-gone spray that gives the yard the essence of an Italian restaurant because it has a rather pungent garlic odor. After spraying liberally for a week now, it is hard to tell if the critters have moved on or not since it will most likely take a while for any new flowers to bloom again. At least the neighbors might think that I am doing some cooking around here, anyway, since a garlic scent is often wafting near the front of the house. If the flowers ever do grow back, I will snap some pictures to post, because all I have now are photos of sad green stems and leaves.


Elmer Fudd said...

If you need an exterminator, let me know. I'll get those wascally wabbits!!

ModemMama said...

I'll loan you our cats-they've already gotten two rabbits in our yard this last week.