Saturday, May 16, 2009


Jacob and I have been trying to perform this squeezing-an-egg-into-a-bottle air pressure experiment repeatedly over the past few weeks without any sort of favorable outcome. I think many of our failures were due to using bottles that were too small. While at the farm last weekend, we found this dirty, old glass jug in the basement and brought it home. Although it did not go exactly as planned, our egg did get sucked into the bottle after we placed a lit match inside. The egg actually moved rather slowly through the neck, and I attempted to get a picture of that process. As soon as the camera was poised and ready to shoot, though, there was a big POP, and the egg blew apart. Most of it did land inside the bottle, so I consider the undertaking a great success!




ModemMama said...

That's one of our favorites from when PJ and E were little. The old glass baby bottles worked perfectly for that.

Cousin Dave said...

This is how the "Powderhouse Five" got their start....

LINDA said...

Oh no! Not the "Powderhouse Five!" On to baking soda and vinegar . . .