Sunday, March 15, 2009


Today Jim and I celebrated our 23rd anniversary. Well, we didn't really celebrate in any way, shape, or form, but this was the big day nevertheless. No one, outside of Adam and Jacob, remembered that it was our anniversary, and that is fine with me. In fact, we had been awake for about a half hour this morning when Jim suddenly blurted out, "Oh, hey, happy anniversary." I was only slightly embarrassed that I had forgotten to say it first! We are quite the romantics!

At 8:30 a.m., we drove to U of M because Adam was receiving an award at the "Student Leaders and Honors Brunch." (And what don't the folks in Ann Arbor understand about the word brunch? A combo breakfast-lunch should not be held at 9 a.m. That is breakfast time. Brunch should be served at 10:30 a.m. at the very earliest.) Anyway, Adam won the 2009 "Distinguished Achievement Award" in the Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences department. Besides some polite applause, lots of congratulatory handshakes, and much praise from those at the brunch, he did receive a monetary stipend as well. Hooray - his 4.0 is beginning to pay off.

Last night, Jim and I did something that we have not done in a very long time. We took some free movie passes that we had and went out to see a show. I think the last time the two of us have sat in a theater together was at least three or four years ago. I have seen movies with Nancy, and Jim has taken Jacob to a few shows recently, but somehow we never manage to get out together. We went to see Slumdog Millionaire and I loved it! Jim wasn't quite as crazy about it as I was, but he did describe it as "ok." Next time I'll let him pick the show. I wonder what flicks will be out in 2013.


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!

Eric said...

Good stuff. I haven't seen SLUMDOG yet but Annie's parent's say I look like the lead actor. I'm gonna have to check it out to see if I should be insulted or not.

Happy Anniversary

Anonymous said...

Happy 23rd Anniversary, Linda & Jim!!!

And congrats to Adam, too. Wow!!!