Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Jacob has a very unusual goldfish. “Fishy” began sleeping vertically a few months ago. At first, I thought he was not getting enough oxygen or was about to go belly-up. But, night after night, he kept sleeping in that position. This is how he looks before I go up to bed each night.


Eric said...

Is the fish really named Fishy? Good stuff. Congratulations on mastering the art of posting pictures. I'm very proud of you.

LINDA said...

Yup, the fish is named "Fishy." I guess you don't remember Adam's goldfish, "Goldie?" Pretty creative names, huh? They get it from Jim. Posting the pictures ended up being fairly easy. Putting them where I wanted and moving them around - not so much. Off to study Blogger Image FAQs.

Anonymous said...

Nice blog. tehh jacob

Anonymous said...

I'm going to eat that fish!