Monday, March 5, 2012

Blowin' in the Wind

It is always exciting for me to scope out all of the new wind farms popping up here and there when I travel across the country. On our recent road trip, most of the windmills that Jake and I saw between Michigan and Colorado were located in Iowa. There is one farm off I-80 near the city of Adair that boasts hundreds of turbines. While some people feel that these farms ruin the landscape, I personally find them to be aesthetically pleasing. Very charming, actually. Not to mention, they are pretty decent providers of renewable energy. Last year, wind power supplied almost 3% of the electricity in the U.S. Wouldn't it be awesome if every house had a little windmill on the roof? Energy crisis averted!

There are a lot of these turbine blades being transported along the freeways these days.

Jake and I drove up very close to this windmill. Contrary to what I had been told, the noise from the turbine was almost inaudible. We were next to the freeway and the sound of the traffic was far louder than the gentle swooshing of the windmill.

I wish I had taken a better shot of these turbines near Adair, IA.

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