Sunday, July 24, 2011


Jim, Adam, Jacob, and I just returned home from our annual friends-and-family camping trip. We had a big crowd this year - 26 people in all. The weather was the warmest it has been in a long time, and the only rain that fell came in the form of a quick shower while everyone was sleeping on Saturday night. We had a blast frolicking on the beach, cooking over the campfire, playing frisbee, canoeing, walking, talking, eating, drinking, and telling anecdotes of past trips. (One of the more popular stories was of the time our group walked in a parade. Most of the twenty-somethings & younger had never heard about this rather embarrassing venture from long ago.) It was nice to welcome back Char this year, who has missed the "Bear" trip for the last decade or so due to work commitments. Hooray for her recent retirement! Unfortunately, there were also some very aggressive ground bees hanging around our campsite and 11 - yes, 11 - people were stung by the pesky critters. Luckily, the stings were minor and no one had a reaction - other than a few choice words for the annoying insects.

The group cavorted on a beautiful Lake Michigan beach.

Adam and Hollie tried to beat the heat.

Seven hardy souls started out on a grueling 4+ hour hike across the sand dunes. Three dropped out early. Four completed the trek.

Adam and Julia assessed the coastline.

Lots of digging and building took place at the lakeshore.

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