Sunday, April 11, 2010

Adam's Choice

After some difficult deliberation and much agonizing analysis, Adam has finally decided where he will go to graduate school. The colleges to which he applied - and to which he was accepted and granted full monetary assistance - were the University of Washington, Colorado State University, Penn State University, and Princeton University. Each school invited him to visit their campus and meet with professors & grad students. Adam went on four whirlwind trips across the country where he was wined & dined and, in Princeton's case, driven around in a limo. (None of which impressed my down-to-earth son.) Each university offered him wonderful opportunities to work with renowned meteorologists and to carry out intriguing research. In the end, he chose Colorado State University. Go Rams!


Cousin Dave said...

Good for Adam! It's always nice to have a number of serious, high-level options! C-State must have one whale of a meteorology and research program!! YOWZA!!

ModemMama said...

He clearly did not take into consideration that Colorado is not one of the states I visit. Poor Adam. He probably didn't even consider Cleveland or Geneva AL did he.