Saturday, January 16, 2010

Two's Company, Three's a Crowd

Adam and ten of his Atmospheric, Oceanic, and Space Sciences classmates flew off yesterday to Georgia. The eleven of them are in Atlanta to attend the American Meteorological Society's annual meeting and conference. On Sunday, Adam is presenting a poster pertaining to the ozone research that he has been doing for the past few years. The students will be able to view exhibits, listen to speakers, go to lectures, and mingle with meteorologists from around the country.

The six guys and five girls from U of M have been allotted two - yes, two - rooms at their downtown hotel. With all of their luggage, I'm sure that the regular double rooms are beyond crammed. Obviously, the college budget does not allow for too many "extras," but really, three rooms would have at least secured a pillow for each attendee. I wonder if the Wolverine football team places six players in one hotel room when they are on the road?


Cousin Dave said...

Reminds me of the "good old days" when we used to travel all over California in the Jaycees. The accomodation of choice was Motel 6. Of course that was in the early seventies before meth labs became prolific in every fifth room....

ModemMama said...

The thrills of traveling. We don't double up at all but if we did I think that my snoring would ensure me my own room anyway.