Thursday, December 30, 2010

Ups and Downs

Monday was supposed to be a day filled with presents and treats and a fun bowling outing to celebrate Jacob's birthday. Instead, Jacob rang in his 14th year by throwing up repeatedly, beginning around 8 a.m. and ending with a final upchuck at 11 p.m. The poor kid spent his entire birthday on the couch moaning and vomiting and looking downright miserable. And I spent the entire day emptying and cleaning his puke bucket, and notifying everyone of the bowling party postponement. Fortunately, the birthday boy felt much better on Tuesday morning and was finally able to open his gifts and eat again. The flu-type bug was most likely passed on to him from Norm and/or Eric who were both, unfortunately, under-the-weather on Christmas. Boo stomach viruses!

On Wednesday, I visited my dentist to have two teeth yanked out and have prep work done for a bridge. Unbelievably, both teeth came out very quickly and easily (even the dentist expressed surprise), and I have experienced almost no pain since the extractions. I wish all of my dental surgeries would go so well.

Today we were able to gather a group of 13 bowlers and 4 spectators at a local establishment for our much-anticipated, but 3-day-late birthday bowling party. Everyone had a great time, and 5-year-old Muffin seemed to have the best time of all. He was eager and animated and actually rolled a 104 on his first game - with the aid of bumpers in the gutters. I would have posted pictures, but I discovered a few minutes ago that my camera cords were outside in the car, and I was definitely too lazy to venture out to retrieve them. I will snap some more photos at tomorrow night's New Year's Eve party, then post a plethora of pictures (well, 5 or 6 anyway) in a few days.

Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

We had a wonderful holiday this year. We spent Christmas Eve at Irma's, then went to the late-night service at church. On Christmas Day, Jim, Adam, Jacob, and I opened presents in the morning and went to Irma's for dinner in the afternoon. There was the usual crowd of 23 or so people, and we had a rollicking good time. In a girls vs. guys game of Taboo, the girls came out victorious. In a very lengthy game of Candy Land, a few of the younger players became distracted so there was no clear winner. Later that night, some of us ventured out to see the movie, "Little Fockers."

Tomorrow, the fun continues with an afternoon bowling bash to celebrate Jacob's birthday. A group of us will gather at a local establishment to try our luck on the lanes. I hope that all of my Wii bowling practice will pay off because I have not thrown a real bowling ball in many years. I can only imagine how sore I will be on Tuesday.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Snow Day

After a pleasant, though hectic, weekend, Jim, Adam, Jacob, and I hopped into the car and headed north yesterday. On our way out of town we stopped at a local ski shop where I was insulted by a young salesman who informed me that the boots that I expressed an interest in buying were "too high performance" for me. I felt like telling him that I have been skiing for 40 years - almost twice as long as he has been alive - and I know what kind of ski boots I can handle. Whippersnapper.

We arrived at Boyne Highlands Resort last evening, in plenty of time for the boys to partake in some nighttime skiing/boarding. (I was too wimpy/lazy to don my ski wear and head out with them.) I did join everyone on the slopes today. The weather was wonderful - nice temperatures & many feet of snow - and, unlike some previous years, there were lots of trails open for us to enjoy. We will ski again tomorrow before cruising on back home at night. On Thursday, I will return to my frantic pre-Christmas chores & preparations, which include chauffeuring Irma to a doctor appointment very early that morning and completing my shopping in the afternoon. Hopefully, I will finish up with everything and be able to spend the weekend relaxing with the family. I am beginning to see the light at the end of my busy holiday tunnel, just in time to tackle Jacob's birthday (fun) and a double tooth extraction (not so fun) next week.

Adam, Jacob, and Jim posed on the slopes.

No one would stop to pose with me next to this pretty tree.

Friday, December 17, 2010

The Cavalry is Coming

Jim flew to Denver from Houston last night after work. Adam fetched him from the airport there and brought him back to his apartment. This morning they jumped into Adam's Jeep and, after 12 or so hours on the road, are currently sleeping in Moline, Illinois. Well, Jim is probably sleeping, but I'm pretty sure that Adam is still awake. Tomorrow they will be arriving at the condo and I could not be more excited because I will be able to delegate some of my chores to them. For some reason, I really overextended myself this month, and I have been so incredibly busy that I have not even had a second to spare. After spending the week hustling around, I am going to be just as swamped this weekend. Tomorrow morning, Jacob and I are once again volunteering at our local food pantry for five hours. In the afternoon, I am going to prepare for Jacob's and Richie's birthday party - from ordering the food to decorating to baking a cake, not to mention finishing up some very important shopping. On Sunday, we will be feting the December birthday boys, then I have to pack for our mini Michigan ski trip. And that will require not only finding my suitcases, but locating all of our ski equipment as well. We are due to be schussing up north Monday through Wednesday. Then, it'll be back to the hustle of the holidays at home. Never a dull moment around here, anyway!

Here is the view out the condo window on Thanksgiving. This is what it looked like around here the last time Jim and Adam were in town.

This is the current view out the condo window. Much prettier now!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Lost and Found

I love making lists. If not for my lists, I would probably forget to do half of the stuff that I am supposed to do and would only remember half of the things that I need while out shopping. Last week, I wrote a very extensive list of items that I have to purchase before Christmas. It contained many clever gift ideas that I had come up with for everyone - including some for Jacob's birthday - and numerous other things that I had to buy at the store.

I stopped at CVS on Friday night to pick up some sinus pills, and pulled out the list to see what other drugstore merchandise was on it. After checking out, I hopped into the car and drove over to Target to continue my shopping. Once inside the store, I reached into my pocket to retrieve my list. It wasn't there. I checked my purse, but couldn't find it in there, either. I began to worry, convinced that I would never, ever be able to remember everything on the list if I had to duplicate it. I recalled seeing the list in the CVS shopping cart next to my purse, and wondered if I had inadvertently left it there. Panic! I rushed out of Target, jumped into the car, and hightailed it back to CVS, praying that their employees had not been ambitious enough to clear my shopping cart out of the parking lot in the 15 minutes that had passed since I departed. I spotted a buggy near the space where I had been parked, and screeched up to it. I could see a paper being blown around in the back of the cart. You can imagine my relief when I saw that it was indeed my precious list, a little damp and crinkled, but intact enough to read. Big whew!

I started cleaning out the garage and downstairs room at the condo recently, and in the process, I located almost all of the winter coats, hats, boots, and gloves that had been misplaced in our move. I was also able to make enough room inside the garage to fit both of our vehicles, although it is a fairly tight squeeze trying to actually get into and out of the cars. I was happy that they were in the garage today, though, when I watched the neighbors scraping ice and snow off their vehicles that were parked outdoors in the blustery conditions. I am finding condo life pretty sweet right now since the roads got plowed, our driveway was cleared, and the walkway & steps were shoveled right up to our front door. It kind of takes the challenge out of winter, not having to dig out. Our official snow total at DTW for today was 6 inches and the white blanket looks beautiful out there!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


If you have ever moved, you realize that some things will inevitably get lost in the shuffle. If you have ever moved during the spring or summer months, you just know that your winter garb will be difficult to find once the weather turns freezing in December. When we brought our stuff to Houston last March, we purposely did not take any of our cold weather clothing because, regardless of what the Texans think, it does not actually get cold down there. Not for any extended period of time anyway. If you try to convince the southerners that temperatures in the 50s are not hat & glove weather, though, they will laugh at you.

Anyhow, I vaguely remember seeing my heavy coats, gloves, and boots here in our condo as recently as October. I wish that I had put them aside somewhere obvious because, despite how much I search, I cannot locate them. I refuse to buy new gloves when I already own about fifteen pairs. And I really hope to come across my boots - yes, I have two pairs of those somewhere, too - before the snow starts to fly.

In Houston the other day, Jim was returning home from a jog when he stopped to chat with the couple next door who were outside decorating their yard with Christmas lights. Jim was wearing his running shorts & a t-shirt. He said that the neighbors were bundled up in long pants and sweaters, and the man had on a winter hat. I couldn't stop laughing as I visualized Mack sporting a ski cap in 58 degree weather. Neither Jacob nor I have even donned gloves yet here in Michigan, even though our temps have dipped into the upper teens. (Ok, maybe we would have if we knew where they were.) At any rate, I hope it stays seasonal in Texas this winter because I certainly don't want my precious tropical palms or my banana tree to suffer any damage from frost. I like it when temperatures remain near their averages. Adam - can you arrange that?

Friday, December 3, 2010

Time Flies

I can't believe that there are only three weeks until Christmas! Even though our tree is up & decorated, I am feeling quite unprepared. I spent a few hours this afternoon stringing lights in our front condo window, using about 200 strips of tape in the process to make sure that the twisty wires would stay in place. I also have our Christmas cards sitting on the kitchen table waiting to be written out and mailed so people will have our new address this year. I still have to do all of my shopping, not only for Christmas, but for Jacob's birthday as well. And I have to bake cookies. And make sure that Jacob stays on track with his schoolwork. And get some major dental work done. And finish cleaning out the condo garage so we can pull two cars into it at the same time, preferably before we have a significant snowfall. Et cetera.

Jim and Adam will be back in town on the 18th. We are having a birthday party for Jacob & Richie the next day, then we are heading up north to ski on the 20th. So, really, that leaves a mere two weeks to get everything ready for the holidays. And the birthday party. And our out-of-town trip. I suppose the smart thing to do would be to get off the computer now and write out those Christmas cards. Off I go - expect your card in a few days.